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Version: v3.x



A Stack represents a set of modules that are deployed together. It is used as a way to group modules and to deploy them together with a consistent set of versions and configurations.

When you deploy a Formance module, such as Ledger or Payments, you deploy them within a Stack. This allows you to ensure that they are all deployed with the same versions and configurations.

Stack Object

The first object that needs to be created is the Stack object. This allows linking the different modules and deploying them together.


You can find all the available parameters in the comprehensive CRD documentation.

kind: Stack
name: formance-dev
versionsFromFile: v2.0

During the deployment of the Operator and for its future upgrades, the Versions files are automatically updated following the semver pattern. It is possible to specify a specific version by using the versionFromFile field in the Stack file.