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Version: v3.x

Formance Cloud

Formance Cloud is a fully hosted and managed deployment environment which can be used for your production applications. Informations regarding the available plans can be found on the Formance Cloud Pricing page.

Available regions

Formance Cloud is available in the following regions:

Region IdentifierDescriptionAvailability
aws-us-west-2-hostingUS, Oregon (AWS)General Availability ✅
aws-af-south-1-hostingAfrica, Cape Town (AWS)General Availability ✅
aws-eu-west-1-hostingEU, Ireland (AWS)General Availability ✅
aws-sa-east-1-hostingSA, São Paulo (AWS)General Availability ✅
aws-us-east-1-hostingUS, Virginia (AWS)General Availability ✅
aws-ap-southeast-1-hostingAPAC, Singapore (AWS)Available upon request

Creating a production deployment

Once you have set up a billing account (by reaching out to us), your available production deployments quota will be increased. You can then create a production deployment by selecting one of the regions listed above in the stack creation command:

fctl stack create my-stack

To list all available regions, you can run the following command:

fctl cloud regions ls

More informations about a specific region can be also be obtained by running the following command:

fctl cloud regions show aws-eu-west-1-hosting

Information and requests

For more information and any requests regarding the Formance Cloud offering, please contact us at

As a SOC-2 Type II certified company, we take security and privacy seriously — and will be happy to answer any questions you may have, as well as provide you with a copy of our SOC-2 report upon request.